About Us
We are made up of four GP Practices which are based in Congleton and Holmes Chapel, Primary Care Network(PCN)
Holmes Chapel Health Centre, Lawton House Surgery, Meadowside Medical Centre and Readesmoor Medical Centre, we together as a PCN have a patient list size of approximately 47,000, for whom we provide General Practice services. By working together with our local providers of care we are improving the patient experiences of primary care. We are in the Cheshire East Council geographic area. Cheshire East has a population of approximately 398,000 residents and is the third largest unitary authority in the North West.
The leadership team of CHOC PCN are:
Dr Paul Bishop- Clinical Director
Dr Vicky Buckley - Co Clinical Director
Dr Tom Rigby- Deputy Clinical Director
Juliet Thomson- PCN Operational Manager
Paul Carroll- Digital and Transformation Lead
We employ a number of roles directly, with staff working to improve patient care and these roles include Clinical Pharmacists, Paramedics,First Contact Physiotherapists, Mental Health Practitioners, Physician Associates, Social Prescribing Link Workers, Care Coordinator.